Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Revelation of my (Un)-Clarity

This is my first time being a blogger, but I felt compelled to document and receive feedback about the journey I am about to take. First some background: I am a 23 (as of two days ago) year old woman seeking the meaning and purpose of my life. Now I know what you're thinking... every body talks about finding the purpose in life. Here's the trick though, I KNOW what the meaning and purpose of life is: Serving and fulfilling God's will. The question is, how am I supposed to fit into this. What if I have doubts about the very belief that has been instilled in me since I was a child? I have just come back from a Christian music concert called Winter Jam, where my favorite band of all time was playing (THIRD DAY!!!!) During this concert they had the usual pitch for getting saved if you're not. It made me think, am I saved? I know that I have given myself to Jesus, but did I really mean it? How do I know that I really was saved when I got saved? So they had a prayer that you could say along with them, to get saved. I said it, just to make sure, and I truly meant it... i think. But then the doubts started again. Am I saved now? What if I'm not? How do I know that I'm not just living my life for Christ without having given it up for Him? I know that for me, giving my life up to somebody else is asking me to build Rome in a day. I have issues just as much as the next person, and the way that I stay alive is to stay in control of my life. So it's difficult for me to imagine not having any control over the only thing that I can truly control. So I'm confused. Seeking Clarity. So the journey I am about to take is to seek myself further into my Christian faith while trying to figure out how my plans for my life fit into God's plan. If they don't I might be sunk....

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